A new case of revenge porn once again brings up the question if you should still send nudes to your partner. Around 3pm on Sunday, August 26, 2018, an unknown Nigerian man created a parody – now deleted Twitter account [@Jidenhe] and posted nude photos and videos of a girl rumoured to be his friend’s ex-girlfriend.He had access to her nude content, which he later released, as he probably basked in the euphoria of what he thought a victory.Her nude pictures and videos were released on via an account allegedly created by her ex-boyfriend’s friend, who decided to play the role of the stupid boyfriend. And just when we thought we were done with the infamous ‘Sunday Madness’ of TwitterNG which peaked between 2011 and 2013. ALSO READ: Former football player sent to jail for revenge pornPlus side to wokeness, enlightenment and growth as TwitterNG fights together Commendably, as it rarely does, TwitterNG set aside its gender wars and banded together to root against the scourge of revenge porn. Some of us men would even have Retweeted those photos and call it another episode of madness. But now, we are bandying together to fight a big problem and make it known that revenge porn is unwelcome.It underlines the gifts of enlightenment, positives of wokeness and the powers of growth and long may it continue.Three hours after the content and account name @Jidenhe became viral, the account was no longer existent as people had succeeded in getting it off Twitter — which is going through a purge to crackdown on sensitive content and questionable accounts. People rooted against revenge porn with everything in them.What is revenge porn?It can be described as releasing sensitive media content — like nude pictures or videos — of people as a part of a vindictive scheme or to get some revenge or twisted satisfaction.Revenge porn is an offence under the law One thing we need to clarify is that revenge porn is an offence and we should try to find perpetrators of these shameless acts to make them answer for the crimes to so willingly commited.Whatever someone has done does not invalidate the wrongness of the revenge porn. Should you still send nudes to your partner? Sending nudes content is a form of intimacy between partners in a form of relationship, aided by the Internet and email/chatting media eras.For people who will feel victimized if their nude content were released, you could either be sure who you are sending to isn’t immature or not send at all to save yourself the heartache no matter how horny you are.ALSO READ: How Facebook is fighting revenge pornFor those who wouldn’t mind the spectacle, please enjoy away. But make sure you consent to the pictures.It is really a discussion about maturity However we want to protect ourselves from these situations, sometimes, people we trust can turn on us. Nothing is certain in relationships. People who love you today might turn your greatest enemies tomorrow.When the going is good, exchanging nude content could seem effortless because of established trust. Thus, ANYBODY can fall victim to the bitter side of bad breakups even after everything was good two months prior.A lot of things can make people engage in revenge porn. Some people do it because they feel betrayed by cheating partners. Although, two wrongs can never make a right.The people we should address are the perpetrators of revenge porn — they need to grow up. Intimate exchanges should never become public knowledge post-break up.As much as you feel the need to get even, your feel good moment will not last and you will be back to hurting again. Hurt is not a tap you can turn off simply over vendetta.It is an emotion that takes personal resolve, discipline and time to recover from. You must however be careful to not drag other people down your rabbit hole.Take heed, people and grow up.