The filmmaker’s production company is set to co produce a 2D animated film based on Cyprian Ekwensi’s ‘The Passport of Mallam Ilia’.
Ego Boyo has shared her thoughts at the lack of professionalism in Nollywood.
In a recently shared Twitter post, the ‘The Ghost and the House of Truth’ producer detailed how frustrating it is working with certain people in the industry.
“This industry exhausts me.. these people want you to fawn over them and kiss a*** instead of just being professional and doing their job,” Boyo tweeted.
“Genuinely tired of the antics one is expected to resort to. Must we be friends to do the work or get work?” she added.
While it is unclear who Boyo’s cryptic tweets are targeted at, it’s no news that the her production company is currently working on a new project.
Recall the filmmaker confirmed a new collaboration between her Temple productions amd Magic Carpet Studios on the production of ‘The Passport of Mallam Ilia’, Africa’s first indigenous 2D animated film.
The film which had been in development hell for years due to its humongous budget, is set to pick up production soon.